
An HMS carabiner for two ropes
The BE SAFE SCREW carabiner is an HMS belay carabiner adapted for belaying. As such, it can accommodate two ropes at once, without the risk of them overlapping in the event of a fall. The reception cradle ensures that the two ropes slide together and does not generate friction on the sides of the carabiner when the rope is braked. This is true whether rappelling or stopping a fall.用於兩條繩索的 HMS 登山扣 BE SAFE SCREW 登山扣是一款適用於繫繩的 HMS 繫繩登山扣。因此,它可以同時容納兩條繩索,而不會在跌落時重疊。接收支架確保兩條繩索一起滑動,並且在繩索制動時不會在登山扣的側面產生摩擦。無論是速降還是停止墜落都是如此。
