16 Articles available

Yoga | 3 yoga poses for your post workout recovery routine

Yoga | 3 yoga poses for your post workout recovery routine

Post workout yoga can help stretch muscles around the connective tissues. Add yoga to your post-workout recovery routine to enhance flexibility and training efficiency.

Yoga at Home - 10 Tips For Your Home Practice

Yoga at Home - 10 Tips For Your Home Practice

Tips on how to begin your yoga practice at home. It's simpler than you think!

Running | Post-run yoga stretches for runners

Running | Post-run yoga stretches for runners

Find out how these 5 simple post run yoga poses and stretches for runners can improve your hip and knee in the running journey!

Yoga | Level up your yoga pose with: yoga strap

Yoga | Level up your yoga pose with: yoga strap

Want to improve your yoga pose? Try some accessories when practice!

Yoga | Benefits for kids to practice yoga

Yoga | Benefits for kids to practice yoga

Yoga is not just a sport for adults, there are so many benefits for kid to practice yoga!

Yoga | Yoga practice for Mother-to-be

Yoga | Yoga practice for Mother-to-be

To all the Mother-to-be, yoga can help to reduce your pregnancy discomforts

Yoga|Relax with yoga bolster cushion

Yoga|Relax with yoga bolster cushion

Overwhelmed by work or stress? Let's lay down and relax, only take 30 minutes a week to be relieved with a yoga bolster cushion.

How to choose your dynamic yoga outfit?

How to choose your dynamic yoga outfit?

Check out our advice to help you pick the right gear for your dynamic yoga practice!



Find out how to use your yoga block effectively and increase your flexibility. ‌

Justine tried yoga on a stand-up paddle (SUP)

Justine tried yoga on a stand-up paddle (SUP)

Justine has been a yoga instructor for a few years and recently took up stand-up paddle boarding (SUP). She soon decided to combine the two since it gives her the opportunity to do yoga on the water in a variety of different places

5 tips for keeping work life balance while working from home

5 tips for keeping work life balance while working from home

Working from home may bring stress. This article will help to understand how to keep a work life balance with the right levels of exercise.

HER STRENGTH |  Christine's Sports Journey - Decathlon HK

HER STRENGTH | Christine's Sports Journey - Decathlon HK

Christine may have known that her gymnastics career would come to an end one day, but this didn’t stop her from training. She measures her success not by her performance, but by how much she gives back to others. Despite having a rare genetic condition that gave her an extra build, she knows that it is this imperfection that makes her so unique. Find out how she gets to know and accept herself better by yoga.

Yoga | 3 detox beginner yoga moves

Yoga | 3 detox beginner yoga moves

Have a tough day? Let's cleanse our body and mind with yoga. 3 detox beginner yoga moves help to cleanse your mind and body.

Yoga | How To Choose Your Yoga Mat?

Yoga | How To Choose Your Yoga Mat?

Yoga mat plays an important role in yoga practice. Read our tips on how to choose a yoga mat.



Nowadays there is an impressive range of different methods. There's bound to be a type of yoga that's just your cup of tea!

Yoga | using yoga block and no more rounded back

Yoga | using yoga block and no more rounded back

Want to improve rounded shoulder or get rid of back pain? Let's try to practice these yoga pose with yoga block!